I completed 3 of the 12 card challenges yesterday. Today I hope to get a few more completed.
4) Color Challenge
I had a hard time coming up with an idea for this one cause to be honest it was way out of my comfort zone. I really didn't like the color combo, but that is why I do these things, to force myself out of my comfort zone. So here is my card. not my most prized piece of work but it is done following the rules of the challenge, it forced me to think a little differently and to be a little more open minded, which is the whole point. Who knows I might try it again later when I get some more challenges done.
Outside completed with brown cardstock, patterned paper. the "THANK YOU" is from Colorbok Woven words "thank you"
Inside completed with orange patterned paper with it's edges inked with Tim Holtz Distress ink "vintage photo."
5) 10 min challenge
I thought that the last challenge was hard, damn this one was worst. ( in a good way) 10 min to complete a card. I am so slow when it comes to this stuff. 10 mins is like... blink and it's done. However I am happy to say that I did complete this card (well the outside any way) in exactly 10min. The inside took me about another 6 min. not to bad for me.
outside done in 10 min!
6) Just a Note.
7) Sketch
I ran out of time to complete this one the way I wanted but that was o.k I will post completed pic later. Here what I have done so far.
Why didn't I get to finish all of the challenges? I was feeling better for the 1st in over a month and was able to celebrate my birthday with my wonderful husband. And guess what I am not a proud owner of a circut expression. :o)