Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Getting fit

I have not being creating lately busy working, doing up my scraproom, and cleaning my house for company coming this week. I also joined a program at the YMCA to develop a healthier lifestyle. This has been the largest I have ever weighed in my whole life, and the most unfit I have even been as well. I really need to change this before it gets any worst.
Tonight's was my 1st session of couch - 5K program. And oh my god if this was an indication of where I should be as a couch potato then I am in a coma. I so could not keep up with the group. I really thought it was going to take me through the steps for someone who has never ran before and ease me into becoming a runner. Yeah no we walked ( no warm -up) and then someone yell "run" after a little while she yelled "walked" and well  you get the picture. This would have been fine only the others that were running differently ran before and they were away ahead. I could not catch up and fell so far behind to the point I didn't even know which direction to walk/ run. I didn't know where they even went. It sucked! But at least I got out and started walking/ a little bit of running. It is a start, and that is the main thing right?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Congrats on taking the first step love! Now -I- need to take a step. lol
